Peer-reviewed publications in international scientific journals
Fornari D. (2006). Who’s Afraid of Characters. In DIID Disegno Industriale Industrial Design, 23 (November-December 2006): 88–93.
Fornari D. (2008). Helvetica Light. In Ottagono, 210 (May 2008): 90–91.
Fornari D. (2008). The Body of Basics. Coreo-grafie a cura di Cristina Chiappini. In Progetto Grafico, 12–13 (September 2008): 191.
Fornari D. (2012). TDM5 Grafica Italiana vs. 100 Years of Swiss Graphic Design. In Progetto Grafico, 21 (Summer 2012): 58–65.
Fornari D. (2012). Antropomorfizm jako strategia. Antropomorficzne interfejsy w projektowaniu industrialnym. In Autoportret, 38 (September 2012): 52–59.
Fornari D. (2013). Letters on Sale. In Domus, 966 (February 2013): 8–9.
Fornari D. & Sfligiotti S. (2013). Printed Talks in the City. In Domus Web (20 February 2013):
Vinti C. & Fornari D. (2016). Clients and Patrons. The Reasons Behind the Issue. In Progetto grafico, 29 (Spring 2016): 8–17.
Banzi M., Cangiano S. & Fornari D. (2016). Open Technologies: the Reasons for an Issue. In Progetto grafico, 30 (Autumn 2016): 6–9.
Fornari D. (2016). Demo. In Progetto grafico, 30 (Autumn 2016): 59–62.
Fornari D. (2016). Grand Central. In Progetto grafico, 30 (Autumn 2016): 65–67.
Fornari D. (2016). Italian Limes. In Progetto grafico, 30 (Autumn 2016): 70–73.
Fornari D. & Barbieri C. (2017). The Lost Typefaces by Xanti Schawinsky: From Bauhaus to Italy. In Progetto grafico, 32 (Autumn 2017): 50–58.
Fornari D. (2017). Chaîne Graphique. Exploring the Workflow. In Progetto grafico, 32 (Autumn 2017): 102–106.
Fornari D. (2018). The Politics The Graphics The Workers. In Archivio Magazine, 2 (Spring Summer 2018): 48–57, 194–195.
Fornari D. (2018). ECAL. Ricerca e confusione organizzata. Research and organized confusion. In Domus, 1029 (November 2018): 94–99.
Fornari D., Lzicar R., Owens S., Renner M., Scheuermann A., Schneemann P.J. (2021). Introduction: New Perspectives on Swiss Graphic Design. In D. Fornari, R. Lzicar, S. Owens, M. Renner, A. Scheuermann & P.J. Schneemann (eds.). New Perspectives on Swiss Graphic Design, monographic issue of “Design Issues”. Winter 2021, vol. 37, issue 1: 4–9.
Fornari D. & Barbieri C. (2021). Speaking Italian with a Swiss-German Accent: Walter Ballmer and Swiss Graphic Design in Milan. In Fornari, R. Lzicar, S. Owens, M. Renner, A. Scheuermann & P.J. Schneemann (eds.). New Perspectives on Swiss Graphic Design, monographic issue of “Design Issues”. Winter 2021, vol. 37, issue 1: 26–41.
Fornari D. (2023). Arte Programmata: Freedom, Control, and the Computer in 1960s Italy. In “Journal of Design History”. epad013, 27 March 2023.
Peer-reviewed books and monographs
Casarin C. & Fornari D. (eds.). (2010). Estetiche del camouflage. Milan: et al./EDIZIONI.
Fornari, D. (2012). Il volto come interfaccia. Milan: et al./EDIZIONI.
Cangiano, S., Fornari D. & Seratoni A. (eds.). (2015). Arte riprogrammata: un manifesto aperto / Reprogrammed Art: An Open Manifesto. Monza: Johan and Levi.
Vinti C., Fornari D. & Falcinelli R. (eds.). (2016). Committenza / Clients and Patrons. Monographic issue of Progetto Grafico, 29 (Spring 2016).
Banzi M., Cangiano S. & Fornari D. (eds.). (2016). Tecnologie aperte / Open Technologies. Monographic issue of Progetto Grafico, 30 (Autumn 2016).
Lzicar R. & Fornari D. (eds.). (2016). Mapping Graphic Design History in Switzerland. Zurich: Triest Verlag.
Fornari D. (ed.). (2017). Making Sense. Ten Years of Research in Art and Design at ECAL. Renens: ECAL.
Fornari D. & Turrini D. (eds.). (2019). Identità Olivetti: Spazi e linguaggi (1933–1983) / Olivetti Identities: Spaces and Languages (1933–1983). Ferrara: UniFe Press.
Fornari D. & Tosetti R. (eds.). (2019). Bianca e Blu Monica Bolzoni. New York / Renens: Rizzoli International / ECAL.
Fornari D., Jean G. & Martinis R. (2020). Carlo Scarpa. Casa Zentner a Zurigo: una villa italiana in Svizzera. Milan: Electa.
Cortat M. & Fornari D. (eds.). (2020). Archigraphiæ. Architettura e iscrizioni razionaliste nella Roma fascista / Archigraphiæ. Rationalist Lettering and Architecture in Fascist Rome. Renens: ECAL.
Fornari D., Lzicar R., Owens S., Renner M., Scheuermann A. & Schneemann P.J. (eds.). (2021). New Perspectives on Swiss Graphic Design, monographic issue of “Design Issues”. Winter 2021, vol. 37, issue 1.
Fornari D., Lzicar R., Owens S., Renner M., Scheuermann A. & Schneemann P.J. (eds.). (2021). Swiss Graphic Design Histories. Zurich: Scheidegger & Spiess. (4 voll.).
Barbieri C., Berthod J., Delamadeleine C., Fornari D. & Owens S. (eds.). (2021). Swiss Graphic Design Histories—Multiple Voices. Zurich: Scheidegger & Spiess.
Fornari D. & Turrini D. (eds.). (2022). Identità Olivetti. Spazi e linguaggi 1933–1983. Zurich: Triest verlag.
Fornari D. & Turrini D. (eds.). (2022). Olivetti Identities. Spaces and Languages 1933–1983. Zurich: Triest verlag.
Peer-reviewed conference proceedings
Fornari D. (2004). A Case of Anchoring: The Y House by Steven Holl. In Third International Congress Arquitectura 3000 (p. 70). Barcelona: ETSA.
Fornari D. (2008). Perception of Humanoid Artifacts: Cultural Differences. In Proceedings of the 6th ICDHS Conference (pp. 312–315). Osaka: CSCD.
Fornari D. (2010). Automata and the Catholic Church: The Case of Jesuit Missions to Japan. In The Renaissance Society of America Annual Meeting (p. 518). New York: RSA.
Fornari D. (2010). Camouflaging Technology: Automata and Robots as a Paradigm for Craft and Design. In J. Gimeno & F. Floré (eds.), Design and Craft: a History of Convergences and Divergences. Proceedings of the 7th ICDHS Conference (pp. 542–543). Brussels: Koninklijke Vlaamse Academie van Belgie voor Wetenschappen en Kusten.
Fornari D. & Pensa I. (2010). Mobile Access to Knowledge: Afrofantasy. In Negotiating Futures – Design Fiction. Proceedings of the 6th Swiss Design Network Conference (pp. 208–209). Basle: SDN.
Fornari D. (2014). Camouflage as an Aesthetical Paradigm of Contemporaneity. In I. Bogaerts & W. Palinckx (eds.), Camouflage Takes Centre Stage. Proceedings of the International Symposium (pp. 61–68). Brussels: Musée Royal de l’Armée et d’Histoire militaire.
Fornari D. (2015). Arte programmata. In A. Bravo & R. Giampietro (eds.), SPAN – Conversations About Design & Technology (pp. 65–78). New York: Google.
Fornari D. & Cangiano S. (2015). Disruptive Concepts and Prototypes. In M. Botta & M. Wiedmer, Disruptive interaction. 8th Swiss Design Network Symposium Conference Proceedings (pp. 102–103). Bellinzona: Casagrande.
Cangiano S., Fornari D. & Seratoni A. (2016). Re-enacting and Open Sourcing as Methods for Experiencing Programmed Art Utopia. In O. Tapio Lenio (ed.), ISEA2016 Hong Kong. Cultural R>Evolution. Proceedings of the 22nd International Symposium on Electronic Art (pp. 250–252). Hong Kong: School of Creative Media.
Fornari D. (2016). Walter Ballmer: Designing Networks Between Switzerland and Italy. In W.S. Wong, Y. Kikuchi & T. Lin (eds.). Making Trans/National Contemporary Design History (pp. 116–120). São Paulo: Blucher.
Fornari D. & Profeta, G. (2016). Swiss Style Beyond the Border. Swiss Graphic Designers in Italy. In W.S. Wong, Y. Kikuchi & T. Lin (eds.). Making Trans/National Contemporary Design History (pp. 87–89). São Paulo: Blucher.
Cangiano, S., Fornari D. & Seratoni, A. (2016). Re-enactment as Method: An Action Research Project on Art and Design. In W.S. Wong, Y. Kikuchi & T. Lin (eds.). Making Trans/National Contemporary Design History (pp. 333–337). São Paulo: Blucher.
Fornari D. & Martinis, R. (2016). Zentner House in Zurich: A Villa by Carlo Scarpa and its Furniture. In W.S. Wong, Y. Kikuchi & T. Lin (eds.). Making Trans/National Contemporary Design History (pp. 82–86). São Paulo: Blucher.
Cangiano S., Fornari D. & Seratoni A. (2018). Re-Programmed Art: Overcoming Obsolescence and Opening up Programmed and Kinetic Artworks. In Ph. Sormani, G. Carbone & P. Gisler (eds.), Practicing Art/Science: Experiments in an Emerging Field (pp. 197–215). London / New York: Routledge.
Fornari D. & Monti G. (2018). Design Studies vs Fashion Studies, Davide Fornari vs Gabriele Monti. In R. Riccini (ed.), Sul metodo / Sui metodi. Esplorazioni per le identità del design (pp. 93-98). Milan: Mimesis.
Casarotto L., Celaschi F., Fornari D. & Mortati M. (2018). Presentazione. In R. Riccini (ed.), Sul metodo / Sui metodi. Esplorazioni per le identità del design (pp. 357-360). Milan: Mimesis.
Barbieri C. & Fornari D. (2018). The Lost Typefaces of Xanti Schawinsky: From the Bauhaus to Italy. In O. Moret (ed.), Back to the Future [icdhs 10th + 1 Conference] Proceedings (pp. 18-21). Barcelona: Edicions de la Universitat de Barcelona.
Barbieri C. & Fornari D. (2018). Uncovering and Questioning Unidesign: Archival Research and Oral History at Work. In O. Moret (ed.), Back to the Future [icdhs 10th + 1 Conference] Proceedings (pp. 70-75). Barcelona: Edicions de la Universitat de Barcelona.
Seratoni A., Cangiano S. & Fornari D. (2022). Re-search, Re-enactment, Re-design, Re-programmed Art. In C. Baldacci, C. Nicastro, A. Sforzini (eds.), Over and Over and Over Again (pp. 141–150). Berlin: ICI Berlin Press.
Contributions to books
Cescon A. & Fornari D. (2002). La storia di un albergo / The history of an hotel. In F. Amendolagine (ed.), Villa Igiea (pp. 165–182). Palermo: Sellerio.
Scarpa L. & Fornari D. (2005). Psicologia applicata per una posizione mentale costruttiva. In A. Norsa (ed.), La gestione del costruire. Tra progetto, processo e contratto (pp. 231–235). Milan: Franco Angeli.
Fornari D. & Giannotti E. (2006). Sustainaible Fu-t(o)urism. In V. Guallart, W. Müller & L. Cappelli (eds.), Self-Sufficient Housing (pp. 210–211). Barcelona: Actar.
Fornari D. (2007). L’ambiente grafico. In L. Facchinelli (ed.), Il paesaggio nell’era del mutamento. Un problema deontologico (pp. 176–179). Canneto: Zapparoli.
Casarin C. & Fornari D. (2010). Introduzione. In: C. Casarin & D. Fornari (eds.), Estetiche del camouflage (pp. 1–7). Milan: et al./ EDIZIONI.
Fornari D. (2010). Le interfacce umanoidi nel disegno industriale. In C. Casarin & D. Fornari (eds.), Estetiche del camouflage (pp. 132–139). Milan: et al./ EDIZIONI.
Fornari D. (2010). Introduzione. In H. Wölfflin, Psicologia dell’architettura (pp. 1–10). Milan: et al./ EDIZIONI.
Anceschi G. & Fornari D. (2010). Web design. In Treccani XXI secolo. Gli spazi e le arti (pp. 589–597). Rome: Istituto dell’Enciclopedia Italiana.
Fontana L. & Fornari D. (2010). The “Madame Butterfly” Robot: A Case Study in Product Design and Development. In A. Silva & R. Simões (eds.), Handbook of Research on Trends in Product Design and Development: Technological and Organizational Perspectives (pp. 419–430). Hershey-New York: Business Science Reference.
Fornari D. (2012). Comunicazione. In M. Biraghi & A. Ferlenga (eds.), Architettura del Novecento I. Teorie, scuole eventi (pp. 218–221). Turin: Einaudi.
Fornari D. (2012), Interacting with Territories. In L. Fabian, E. Giannotti & P. Viganò (eds.), Recycling City. Lifecycles, Embodied Energy, Inclusion (pp. 221–225). Pordenone: Giavedoni.
Fornari D. (2013). Kunst am Bau and Pavilions / In-Between Spaces: A Critical Review of the Symposia. In R. Ireland & F. Martini (eds.), Pavilions. Art in Architecture (pp. 191–197). Brussels: La Muette.
Fornari D. (2013). Text. In R. Früh & C. Neuenschwander (eds.), 1946, 1947, 1948. The missing years of the most beautiful Swiss books (pp. 117–118). Sulgen: Niggli Verlag.
Fornari D. (2014). From print to digital: the future present of books. In M. Ferrari & I. Williams (eds.), Atlas of Contemporary Technology (p. 26). Venice: Università Iuav.
Fornari D. (2015). Artefatti umanoidi. Interazioni e interfacce. In M. Ciammaichella (ed.), Il corpo umano sulla scena del design (pp. 35–51). Padua: Il Poligrafo.
Cangiano, S. & Fornari, D. (2015). Arte ri-programmata: un progetto aperto / Re-programmed Art: An Open Project. In S. Cangiano, D. Fornari, A. Seratoni, Arte riprogrammata: un manifesto aperto / Reprogrammed Art: An Open Manifesto (pp. 8–15). Monza: Johan and Levi.
Cangiano, S. & Fornari, D. (2015). Per un fare estetico partecipato e aperto / An Open, Participative Vision of Aesthetic Action. In S. Cangiano, D. Fornari, A. Seratoni, Arte riprogrammata: un manifesto aperto / Reprogrammed Art: An Open Manifesto (pp. 138–143). Monza: Johan and Levi.
Fornari D. & Cangiano S. (2015). Open Sourcing Social Robotics: Humanoid Artifacts from the Viewpoint of Designers. In J. Vincent, T. Sakari, B. Sapio, G. Lugano & L. Fortunati (eds.), Social Robots from a Human Perspective (pp. 89–102). Cham: Springer.
Pensa I. & Fornari D. (2015). Mobile Access to Knowledge: Culture and Safety in Africa. Documenting and Assessing the Impact of Cultural Events and Public Art on Urban Safety. In E. Bonini Lessing (ed.), Urban Safety and Security (pp. 61–68). Milan: FrancoAngeli.
Fornari D. (2016). Swiss Style, Made in Italy: Graphic Design across the Border. In R. Lzicar & D. Fornari (eds.), Mapping Graphic Design History in Switzerland (pp. 152–180). Zurich: Triest Verlag.
Lzicar R. & Fornari D. (2016). Writing Graphic Design History in Switzerland. In R. Lzicar & D. Fornari (eds.), Mapping Graphic Design History in Switzerland (pp. 8–17). Zurich: Triest Verlag.
Lzicar R. & Fornari D. (2016). Histories to Be Written. In R. Lzicar & D. Fornari (eds.), Mapping Graphic Design History in Switzerland (pp. 278–282). Zurich: Triest Verlag.
Cangiano S., Fornari D. & Seratoni A. (2016). Playing with the Building Block of Programmed Art. About the Hypothesis of Gabriele Devecchi. In M. Devecchi (ed.), Archive Time. Ways of Talking about Gabriele Devecchi (pp. 41–47). Milan: Associazione Archivio Gabriele Devecchi.
Fornari D. (2017). Searching for Research. In Fornari D. (ed.), Making Sense. Ten Years of Research in Art and Design at ECAL (pp. 217–224). Renens: ECAL.
Fornari D. & Reinfurt D. (2017). Design as Research or Design Research? David Reinfurt in Conversation with Davide Fornari. In Fornari D. (ed.), Making Sense. Ten Years of Research in Art and Design at ECAL (pp. 24–31). Renens: ECAL.
Fornari D., Bergeron L. & Bihanic D. (2019). Le Design, une interdiscipline. In Bihanic D. (ed.), Design en regards (pp. 410–424), Paris: Art Book Magazine
Fornari D. & Tosetti R. (2019). Editors’ Note. In D. Fornari D. R. Tosetti (eds.), Bianca e Blu Monica Bolzoni (p. 185), New York / Renens: Rizzoli International / ECAL.
Cangiano S., Fornari D. & Seratoni A. (2019). Reprogrammed Art, a Bridge Between the History of Interactive Art and the Maker Culture. In V. Bradbury, S. O’Hara (eds.), Art Hack Practice (pp. 31–39), London / New York: Routledge.
Fornari D. (2019). At the Nexus of Art, Design and Technology. In D. Fornari (ed.), Technology and Research in Art and Design at ECAL (pp. 10–17), Renens: ECAL.
Fornari D. (2019). Untitled text. In B. Munari, Obvious Code (p. 122), Amsterdam: Roma Publications.
Fornari D. (2020). Arredi fissi e mobili: dal pezzo unico alla produzione seriale. In D. Fornari, G. Jean, R. Martinis. Carlo Scarpa. Casa Zentner a Zurigo: una villa italiana in Svizzera (pp. 112–132), Milan: Electa.
Fornari D. (2020). Catalogo degli arredi. In D. Fornari, G. Jean, R. Martinis. Carlo Scarpa. Casa Zentner a Zurigo: una villa italiana in Svizzera (pp. 198–201), Milan: Electa.
Forcolini C. & Fornari D. (2020). Carlo Forcolini in conversation with Davide Fornari, Milan, June 11, 2018. In A. Koivu (ed.). Vico Magistretti. Stories of Objects (pp. 93–99). Zurich: Triest verlag.
Forcolini C. & Fornari D. (2020). Carlo Forcolini in una conversazione con Davide Fornari, Milano, 11 giugno, 2018. In A. Koivu (ed.). Vico Magistretti. Storie di oggetti (pp. 93–99). Zurich: Triest verlag.
Barbieri C., Berthod J., Delamadeleine C., Fornari D. & Owens S. (2021). Figures of Speech. In C. Barbieri, J. Berthod, C. Delamadeleine, D. Fornari & S. Owens (eds.). Swiss Graphic Design Histories—Multiple Voices (pp. 7–11). Zurich: Scheidegger & Spiess.
Barbieri C. & Fornari D. (2021). Corporate Printed Matter. In S. Bischler, S. Klein, J. Niedermann, R. Barmettler, M. Renner (eds). Swiss Graphic Design Histories—Visual Arguments (pp. 38–44). Zurich: Scheidegger & Spiess.
Barbieri C. & Fornari D. (2021). Portfolio. In S. Bischler, S. Klein, J. Niedermann, R. Barmettler, M. Renner (eds). Swiss Graphic Design Histories—Visual Arguments (pp. 222–233). Zurich: Scheidegger & Spiess.
Barbieri C. & Fornari D. (2021). Hotspot—The perks of working on the other side of the Alps. In U. Kaufmann, P.J. Schneemann, S. Zeller (eds.). Swiss Graphic Design Histories—Tempting Terms (pp. 38–48). Zurich: Scheidegger & Spiess.
Fornari D., Lzicar R., Owens S., Renner M., Scheuermann A., Schneemann P.J. (2021). A Never-ending Story: From the History of Swiss Graphic Design to Swiss Graphic Design Histories. In D. Fornari, R. Lzicar, S. Owens, M. Renner, A. Scheuermann, P.J. Schneemann (eds.). Swiss Graphic Design Histories (pp. 4–7). Zurich: Scheidegger & Spiess.
Fornari D. & Turrini D. (2022). Identità Olivetti: dall’autorappresentazione a un’agenda per il futuro. In D. Fornari & D. Turrini (eds.) Identità Olivetti. Spazi e linguaggi 1933–1983 (pp. 26–39). Zurich: Triest verlag.
Fornari D. & Turrini D. (2022). Olivetti Identity: From Self-Representation to an Agenda for the Future. In D. Fornari & D. Turrini (eds.) Olivetti Identities. Spaces and Languages 1933–1983 (pp. 26–39). Zurich: Triest verlag.
Fornari D. & Barbieri C. (2022). Il negozio Olivetti di Torino: una scheggia del Bauhaus in Italia. In D. Fornari & D. Turrini (eds.) Identità Olivetti. Spazi e linguaggi 1933–1983 (pp. 60–73). Zurich: Triest verlag.
Fornari D. & Barbieri C. (2022). The Olivetti Showroom in Turin: A Fragment of the Bauhaus in Italy. In D. Fornari & D. Turrini (eds.) Olivetti Identities. Spaces and Languages 1933–1983 (pp. 60–73). Zurich: Triest verlag.
Barbieri C. & Fornari D. (2022). Walter Ballmer, una delle “B” di Olivetti. In D. Fornari & D. Turrini (eds.) Identità Olivetti. Spazi e linguaggi 1933–1983 (pp. 206–217). Zurich: Triest verlag.
Barbieri C. & Fornari D. (2022). Walter Ballmer, One of the Bs in Olivetti. In D. Fornari & D. Turrini (eds.) Olivetti Identities. Spaces and Languages 1933–1983 (pp. 206–217). Zurich: Triest verlag.
Miranda S. & Fornari D. (2022). Dal carattere per schermi a matrici di punti al progetto delle interfacce. In D. Fornari & D. Turrini (eds.) Identità Olivetti. Spazi e linguaggi 1933–1983 (pp. 330–345). Zurich: Triest verlag.
Miranda S. & Fornari D. (2022). From Dot-Matrix Screen Fonts to Interface Design. In D. Fornari & D. Turrini (eds.) Olivetti Identities. Spaces and Languages 1933–1983 (pp. 330–345). Zurich: Triest verlag.
Fornari D. (2022). “Non temere le soluzioni innovatrici”. Industria italiana: Olivetti e la Rinascente-UPIM. In Tomás Maldonado e la sfida della trasversalità (pp. 39–61). Milan: Fondazione Giangiacomo Feltrinelli.
Fornari D. & Lzicar R. (2022). Switzerland: 1945–2000. In S. Margolin & R. Houze (eds.) World History of Design, Vol. 3, London: Bloomsbury. (in press).
Patents and licenses
Anceschi, G., Cangiano, S. & Fornari D. (2015). Esacono, interactive installation, CC BY NC SA 4.0.
Oral contributions to international conferences
Fornari D., Face as Interface. Anthropomorphic and zoomorphic artefacts. COST workshop on Social robotics, Brussels.
Fornari D. & Pensa I., Culture and Safety in Africa. Documenting and assessing the impact of cultural events and public art on urban safety. 2nd Swiss conference of art history, Lausanne.
Cangiano S. & Fornari D., Re-programmed Art: An Open Manifesto. 9th International Fab Lab Conference, Yokohama.
Cecchi Paone A. & Fornari D., La nuova intelligenza artificiale. Panel debate, Città della scienza, Naples.
Fornari D., Swiss Style, Made in Italy: Graphic Design on the Border. Symposium “Mapping Graphic Design History in Switzerland”, HKB, Bern.
Fornari D., Open Sourcing Robotics. Innovation versus Standardization. CATaC 2014 Symposium “Cross-Cultural Understandings and Designs of Social Robots as Co-Agents of Good Lives”, Oslo.
Fornari D., Organizzazione e professione: grafici svizzeri e international style. AIAP Design Per conference, Genua.
Fornari D., Swiss Style or Made in Italy: The Impact of Swiss Graphic Designers on Italian Design. Conference “Pathways of Design Research”, Swiss Pavilion at Expo, Milan.
23.10. 2015
Fornari D., Cangiano S. & Seratoni A., Re-enactment as Method. How to Overcome Programmed and Kinetic Art Obsolescence. International conference “Revisiting Practice. Arts. Sciences, and Experimentation”, Swiss Institute, Rome.
Fornari D., Programmed Art: A Nexus Between Art, Design and Technology. Google Span Conference, London.
Barbieri C. & Fornari D., From Bauhaus to Milan Through Posters: Xanti Schawinsky in Italy. International conference “Von Weltformat. Das Schweizer Plakat aus historicher und Bildwissenschaftlicher Perspektive”, Eikones, Basle.
Fornari D. & Martinis R., Zentner House in Zurich: A Villa by Carlo Scarpa and its Furniture. 10th ICDHS Conference, Taipei.
Fornari D., Walter Ballmer: Designing Networks Between Switzerland and Italy. 10th ICDHS Conference, Taipei.
Cangiano S., Fornari D. & Seratoni A., Re-enactment as Method: An Action Research Project on Art and Design. 10th ICDHS Conference, Taipei.
Fornari D., Re-enacting the Archives. From Gruppo T to Bianca e Blu. International conference “Revisiting ‘Performance’. Sights, Looks, Critiques”, Swiss Institute, Rome.
Fornari D., Arte riprogrammata: un manifesto aperto. Conference, Rome University of Fine Arts, Rome.
10.10 2017
Fornari D., Introductory Notes on Research in Art and Design in Switzerland. Symposium, ECAL/University of Art and Design, Lausanne.
Reichenbach B., Fornari D., Mystery and Truth of Pasolini’s Bodies and Places. FLAT Fiera Libro Arte Torino, Turin.
Fornari D. et al. Le riviste di design in Italia. Realtà e progetti. FRID Fare Ricerca in Design, Venice.
Monti G., Fornari D., Fashion Studies vs. Design Studies. FRID Fare Ricerca in Design, Venice.
Seratoni A., Cangiano S. & Fornari D., Re-enactment as Method: How to Overcome Programmed and Kinetic Art Obsolescence, Symposium “Over and Over and Over Again. Re-Enactment Strategies in Contemporary Arts and Theory”, Institute for Cultural Inquiry, Berlin.
C. Barbieri & D. Fornari, Unidesign and Walter Ballmer. The Monograph as a Provocative Tool to Map Design Networks and Deconstruct Canons, Symposium “Swiss Graphic Design and Typography Revisited”, Zurich University of the Arts, Zurich.
Fornari D., ECAL Ricerca e Sviluppo, Torino Graphic Days, Turin.
Barbieri C. & Fornari D., The Lost Typefaces of Xanti Schawinsky: from the Bauhaus to Italy, ICDHS 10+1 Conference “Back to the Future”, Barcelona.
Barbieri C. & Fornari D., Uncovering and Questioning Unidesign: Archival Research and Oral History at Work, ICDHS 10+1 Conference “Back to the Future”, Barcelona.
Trini Castelli C., C.C. Fiorentino, D. Fornari & E. Chiodo, I “Libri rossi”. Istruzioni per l’uso dell’identità Olivetti, Domus Academy, Milan.
Fornari D., The Sources of Jan Tschichold’s The New Typography. Symposium “Anglo-Swiss Connections in an Expanded Field: Modernism in Typography and Graphic Design, 1950–80”, University of Brighton, Brighton.
Fornari D., Introductory Notes. Symposium “Technology and Research in Art and Design”, ECAL, Renens.
Fornari D., Dal mobile al design: gli arredi di casa Zentner. Symposium “Carlo Scarpa: nuove ricerche, restauri recenti”, SUPSI, Lugano.
Fornari D., Il negozio Olivetti di Torino: una scheggia del Bauhaus in Italia (1934). Symposium “Identità Olivetti: Spazi e linguaggi. Olivetti Identities: Spaces and Languages (1933–1983)”, Università degli Studi di Ferrara, Ferrara.
Miranda S. & Fornari D., Dal carattere per schermi a matrici di punti al progetto delle interface (1974–1987). Symposium “Identità Olivetti: Spazi e linguaggi. Olivetti Identities: Spaces and Languages (1933–1983)”, Università Iuav di Venezia, Venice.
Dal Co F., Fornari D., Jean G. & Martinis R., Carlo Scarpa. Casa Zentner a Zurigo: una villa italiana in Svizzera, SUPSI, Lugano.
Fornari D., Practice-based Research in the Arts. Symposium “Grand Tour with ECAL in Venice”, Palazzo Grassi, Venice.
Fornari D., Fregni Nagler L. & Nicolao F., Behind the Scenes. Symposium “Grand Tour with ECAL in Venice”, Palazzo Grassi, Venice.
Bovier F., Fornari D. & Vulliemin C., Emergence of Video Art in Europe: 1960–1980. Symposium “Grand Tour with ECAL in Venice”, Palazzo Grassi, Venice.
De Smet C., Fornari D. & Mager S. Words Form Language: Concrete Poetry and Typography. Symposium “Grand Tour with ECAL in Venice”, Palazzo Grassi, Venice.
B. Giordani Aragno, V. Caratozzolo, M. De Vincenzo, D. Fornari, M. Meloni, D. Trappetti & C. Palma, Archivio infinito, Galleria nazionale d’arte moderna e contemporanea, Rome.
Other publications
Fornari D. (2005). 5+1, Barracks in Albenga. In L’industria delle costruzioni, 381 (January-February 2005): 46–51.
Fornari D. (2006). Di cosa parliamo quando parliamo di urbanistica. In Parametro, 266 (November-December 2006): 5–6.
Fornari D. (2007). Mitomacchina: storia, tecnologia e futuro del design dell’automobile. In Trasporti & Cultura, 17 (January-April 2007): 121.
Fornari D. (2007). Design anonimo in Italia. In Trasporti & Cultura, 18 (May-August): 126.
Fornari D. (2007). Design and Innovation of Ambulances. In DIID Disegno Industriale Industrial Design, 27 (July-August 2007): IV–XI.
Fornari D. (2007). Wayfinding: orientarsi ad Aosta. Un laboratorio di Mike Rawlinson. In Trasporti & Cultura, 19 (September-December 2007): 123.
Fornari D. (2008). Trilogia dell’automobile. In Trasporti & Cultura, 21 (May-August 2008): 112–115.
Fornari D. (2009). Media di trasporto. Luoghi comuni, piccole storie migranti. In Trasporti & Cultura, 23–24 (January-August 2009): 121.
Fornari D. (2014). Swiss Design Identity as a Signature. In Insight, 10 (October 2014): 6–9.
Fornari D. (2018). Working with Method / Lavorare con metodo. In Pulp, 13 (Spring 2018): 26–39.
Fornari D. (2018). Passions for Posters / Una passione per i manifesti. In Pulp 14 (Summer 2018): 16–23.
Fornari D. (2018). The Politics The Graphics The Workers. In “Archivio Magazine”, 2 (Spring Summer 2018): 48–57, 194–195.
Fornari D. & Sfligiotti S. (eds.) (2019). Giovanni Anceschi da 80 a ∞. Milan: self-published.
Fornari (2019). Rot. In Fornari D. & Sfligiotti S. (eds.) (2019). Giovanni Anceschi da 80 a ∞ (pp. 117–119). Milan: self-published.
Fornari D. (ed.). (2019). Technology and Research in Art and Design / Technologie et recherche en art et design. Renens: ECAL.
Fornari D. & Windlin C. (2020). Untitled conversation. In Federal Office for Culture (ed.) Failure is Not an Option? (pp. 116–125). Bern: Federal Office for Culture.
Fornari D., Jean G. & Martinis R. (2021) Haus Zentner. In “Schweizer Architektur / Architecture suisse / Architettura svizzera”, 220 (March 2021): 69–70.
Fornari D. (ed.) (2022). Mnemosyne. History and Research in Art and Design / Mnemosyne. Histoire et recherche en art et design. Renens: ECAL. (in press).
Fornari D. & Nicolin P. (eds.) (2022) Grand Tour with ECAL in Venice. Venice: Palazzo Grassi / Fondation Pinault. (in press).